Using Retainers After Your Braces

You have probably heard that teeth move. Although dental pieces are not the ones that shift, the ligaments that keep them in place do.

When you have gaps in your mouth, teeth shift towards space, looking for contact.

For example, when you lose a tooth, one of the main concerns is that teeth move towards the space where the lost tooth was. Also, the antagonist tooth (the dental piece in the opposite maxilla) extrudes. It is due to these reasons that extracting a tooth is the last option. Our dentist in Orlando will try to save them before pulling them out, and if there is no other option left, you must undergo prosthetic treatment to replace them.

Teeth Move After Your Orthodontic Treatment

If you underwent orthodontic treatment with a dentist in Kissimmee, you are probably wearing retainers. We offer retainers in Orlando to keep the beautiful smiles of our patients who finished their orthodontic treatment.

Teeth have memory. If you have had dental misalignments for years and bite on a certain way, once an orthodontics dentist near you fixes it with braces, it’s time to wear retainers. Our retainers in Kissimmee are the most important part of the orthodontic treatment, and we let our patients know that because it requires a lot of discipline. You have to remember to wear them every day!

Prevent Wearing Braces Again

And if you don’t, ah. You are at risk of having to undergo orthodontic treatment for the second time. And afterward, you will still need to look for an orthodontic that creates your retainers near you as the final part of the treatment.

You Will Save Money

If you follow the instructions of our orthodontics dentist near you, you will save money on the long road. Orthodontic treatment is expensive, so you might as well listen to your doctor for the best results!

We Create the Best Retainers for You

There are multiple types of retainers after your braces. We suggest that, if you lack the discipline to wear them every day (and by every day, we really mean it!), opt for permanent ones. Permanent retainers go cemented on the back of your dentition, so you must be extra careful with your oral care to prevent plaque buildup around them.

On the other hand, sure, you can remove your removable retainers, but the recommendation is to wear them all day (or at least 18 hours a day). The most common one is the Essix because of its aesthetics. They are transparent trays that exert pressure on your dentition to hold it in its new place.

Every patient is different, and in some, rebounding may be worse than in others. Whatever your case is, follow the recommendations of your dental professional. They will usually suggest wearing them every day, all day, for about three months. Afterward, it may only be necessary during bedtime.

We strongly suggest you overcome the adapting process and wear them every day. It is not worth wasting your money and the time spent on your orthodontic treatment (which could have been years!) for not wanting to wear retainers. 

Care for Your Retainers

And most importantly, remember to take care of them. Brush your removable retainers daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild soap since toothpaste is too abrasive. Keep in mind that using hot water may harm them, so always use cool to lukewarm.

If you are wearing a permanent retainer, you must be extra careful with brushing your teeth. You may consult with your dentist on the best way to floss between the area where the retainer is; this way, your oral health will be excellent.


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