Answering Common Questions About Invisalign


Invisalign is one of the most well known and marketed cosmetic and orthodontic dentistry solutions available on the market today. Millions of people all over the world have achieved their goal of straighter teeth quickly and comfortably with Invisalign’s clear and removable aligners. Popular as Invisalign is, though, we know many people have many questions. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive. 

Do you wear aligners 24/7?

No. This is one of the biggest ways that Invisalign differs from old school braces. You’ll take your aligners out to eat and drink (anything other than cool water), to brush and floss, and for the occasional selfie or intimate moment. Keep in mind, though, that your treatment plan and schedule is based on you wearing the aligners for 22 hours daily. Your aligners only work when you’re wearing them. If you leave them out for too long, it’ll take you longer to achieve your goals.

Do you wear aligners while you sleep?

Yes. That’s the only way you can come close to hitting your 22 hours/day target to keep on track with achieving your goals. One more thing when it comes to sleeping. Many people find that the most uncomfortable time while wearing Invisalign is the first little bit after putting in a new aligner. While that new aligner begins to do it’s work, many patients wearing Invisalign in Kissimmee suggest that you put your new aligner in for the first time just before going to bed. That way you can sleep through the hardest part. 

Can anyone use Invisalign?

Like any dental or medical treatment, Invisalign is not ideal for everyone. To determine if Invisalign is right for you, you should schedule an appointment with an Invisalign dentist near you who will carefully review your teeth, jaw, dental images and goals. If Invisalign is not the right solution for straightening your teeth, the dentist will recommend alternatives. 

Invisalign may not be the appropriate solution in these situations, but you should get specific advice from a dentist in Kissimmee before making any decisions either way:

  • If you have pegged, short or round teeth
  • If you have teeth that have rotated due to overcrowding, but beyond the point that Invisalign can restore its appropriate position
  • If you have gaps between teeth that total more than approximately six millimeters in an arch
  • If your teeth are intruded teeth (teeth not fully extended out of your jaw and gums) or extruded teeth (teeth overly extended out of your jaw and gums)
  • If the seam between your front teeth is not misaligned from the midline in your arch by too great a degree
  • If you have undergone significant prior dental work

How long will it take?

Because no two individuals’ teeth are in precisely the same starting positions, no two treatment plans are exactly alike. Just how long your treatment will take to accomplish and how many sets of aligners you will use will be determined at your assessment and after a review of Invisalign’s three-dimensional imaging and simulations. As a very general rule that your dentist in Kissimmee will update based on your circumstances, Invisalign treatment plans generally take between 12 and 18 months. 

During that time, you’ll move from aligner to aligner based on a predetermined schedule. You’ll also attend occasional follow-up appointments where your dentist will track your progress against what was planned and expected. Those appointments will usually take place every eight to 10 weeks, though they may be more frequent depending on your progress or the complexity of your treatment plan. 

To get answers to your questions that we haven’t answered about straightening your teeth with Invisalign near you, reach out to an Invisalign dentist near you for a consultation as soon as you’re ready.


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