
Showing posts from January, 2021

Answering Common Questions About Invisalign

                      Invisalign is one of the most well known and marketed cosmetic and orthodontic dentistry solutions available on the market today. Millions of people all over the world have achieved their goal of straighter teeth quickly and comfortably with Invisalign’s clear and removable aligners. Popular as Invisalign is, though, we know many people have many questions. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive.  Do you wear aligners 24/7? No. This is one of the biggest ways that Invisalign differs from old school braces. You’ll take your aligners out to eat and drink (anything other than cool water), to brush and floss, and for the occasional selfie or intimate moment. Keep in mind, though, that your treatment plan and schedule is based on you wearing the aligners for 22 hours daily. Your aligners only work when you’re wearing them. If you leave them out for too long, it’ll take you longer to achieve your goals. Do you wear aligners while you sleep? Yes